Rails for PHP Developers
Pragmatic bookshelf
Rails for PHP Developers
Author: Derek DeVries, Mike Naberezny
pub.date: February 2008
There is no doubt that by now you’ve heard all of the hype about Ruby on Rails. It has been generating a lot of buzz with the promise of making
web applications fast and simple to create, and you may be wondering what the big deal is. We know that PHP has been doing this for years
and has proven quite capable by its use in large companies such as Yahoo. You may be wondering whether it’s worth the time investment
to learn Rails and Ruby, when you already have PHP under your belt.
This book is meant for PHP developers who are interested in adding Rails to their toolsets. There are a lot of books on Rails now, but PHP
developers have a unique way of thinking about problems that are built around the PHP mind-set. This book aims to guide your learning in
Rails based on your existing knowledge of programming in PHP. An understanding of object-oriented programming in PHP will help but is
not entirely necessary. This should be something you start to pick up naturally while programming in Ruby.
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Download: Rails for PHP Developers
Label: database, programming, web