A Designer's Guide to Adobe InDesign and XML
* Author: Jim Maivald with Cathy Palmer
* ISBN: 0321503554
* ISBN-13: 9780321503558
* Publisher: Adobe Press
* Pub. Date: December 2007
* Edition Number: 1
A Designers Guide to InDesign and XML is an introduction to XML tagging and how it works. The technology is broken down into its essential parts, explaining what XML is and how it works in plain English.
XML is a markup language, a close cousin to HTML. While HTML is used to format
text for display, XML is used to tag or identify data. By “marking up” the data
users can then transfer or repurpose it from one application to another. This
ability to repurpose is XML’s key advantage over most other technologies. And,
because XML was built for the Web, it offers the promise of moving data from
print to the Internet and back again with the push of a button.
The guide includes 10 real world projects with an aim toward users working with
increasing confidence and skill to incorporate XML into their daily workflow.
The projects include:
- Business card: How to create a structured layout in InDesign and import XML. Get text to format automatically and then flow into multipleexamples.
- Product catalog: Learn how to import XML data into a structured layout using nested styles and cloned text.
- Magazine and newspaper: Tag and export magazine-style publications for Web distribution.
- SML and XSL: Transform XML into XHTML for use on the Web in Dreamweaverand GoLive.
- XML and CSS: Use Cascading Style Sheets with your exported XML.
Table Of Contents
Introduction x
Chapter 1 What Is XML? 1
Chapter 2 InDesign’s XML Features 23
Chapter 3 Making XML 65
Chapter 4 Structure Basics 99
Chapter 5 Anchored O bjects 141
Chapter 6 Inline and Anchored Graphics 157
Chapter 7 Targeted XML Import 179
Chapter 8 Variable Data 213
Chapter 9 Exporting XML 235
Chapter 10 XML, HTML & CSS 269
Chapter 11 Ajax and XSLT 281
Chapter 12 What’s up, DocBook (and O ther DTDs) 297
Index 311
Know the Rules and Don’t Break T hem! 324
Download : A Designer's Guide to Adobe InDesign and XML
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