PHP 6 and MySQL 5 for Dynamic Web Sites
PHP 6 and MySQL 5 for Dynamic Web Sites
Author: Larry Ullman
ISBN-13: 978-0-321-52599-4 December 2007
Today’s Web users expect exciting pages that are updated frequently and provide a customized experience. For them, Web sites are more like communities, to which
they’ll return time and again. At the same time, Web site administrators want sites that are easier to update and maintain, understanding that’s the only real way to
keep up with visitors’ expectations. For these reasons and more, PHP and MySQL have become the de facto standards for creating dynamic, database-driven Web sites.
This book represents the culmination of my many years of Web development experience coupled with the value of having written several previous books on the technologies
discussed herein. The focus of this book is on covering the most important knowledge in the most efficient manner. It will teach you how to begin developing dynamic Web
sites and give you plenty of example code to get you started. All you need to provide is an eagerness to learn.
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Label: database, programming, web
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