.NET Domain-Driven Design with C#
.NET Domain-Driven Design with C#
Problem – Design – Solution
Author : Tim McCarthy
ISBN : 978–0–470–14756–6
Page : 435
This book is targeted at experienced .NET developers who are looking to hone their object - oriented design skills and learn about DDD. If you are not at that level, that is okay, but I recommend that you at least have some experience writing .NET code or even Java code. If you have not written any .NET code before, this book may be a little bit hard to follow.
What This Book Covers
Chapter 1 , “ Introducing the Project: The SmartCA Application ”
Chapter 2 , “ Designing the Layered Architecture ”
Chapter 3 , “ Managing Projects ”
Chapter 4 , “ Companies and Contacts ”
Chapter 5 , “ Submittal Transmittals ”
Chapter 6 , “ Requests for Information ”
Chapter 7 , “ Proposal Requests ”
Chapter 8 , “ Change Orders ”
Chapter 9 , “ Construction Change Directives ”
Chapter 10 , “ Synchronizing with the Server ”
Chapter 11 , “ The Client Membership System ”
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Label: programming, system, web
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