Database Access with Visual Basic

Database Access with Visual Basic
(Publisher: Macmillan Computer Publishing)
Author(s): Jeffrey Mcmanus
Page: 330
ISBN: 1562765671

It’s probably safe to say that the majority of Visual Basic developers will use VB to access databases sooner or later. So why aren’t there more books on databases and Visual Basic? Because database access is the equivalent of plumbing. Like plumbing, there are dozens of segments you must put together before the whole thing works, and when it doesn’t work, the part that’s causing the problem isn’t immediately obvious. Put bluntly, it’s a decidedly unsexy topic.
This book puts the plumbing in order. It won’t help you hike up your pants when you reach under the sink, but it will give you exposure to nearly all aspects of database access you’re likely to encounter in Visual Basic today. Through it all, the objective is to give you the information you need in a concise manner, using examples and step-by-step procedures rather than brief, acronym-laden blurbs.


Database Access with Visual Basic

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