The Art of Designing Embedded Systems

The Art of Designing Embedded Systems
Second Edition
By Jack Ganssle

For the purpose of this book, an embedded system is any application where a dedicated computer is built right into the system. While this definition can apply even to major weapon systems based on embedded blade servers, here I address the perhaps less glamorous but certainly much more common applications using 8-, 16-, and 32-bit processors.

Historically, embedded systems were programmed by hardware designers, since only they
understood the detailed bits and bytes of their latest creation. With the paradigm of the microprocessor as a controller, it was natural for the digital engineer to design as well as code a simple sequencer. Unfortunately, most hardware people were not trained in design methodologies, data structures, and structured programming. The result: many early microprocessor-based products were built on thousands of lines of devilishly complicated spaghetti code. The systems were un-maintainable, sometimes driving companies out of business.

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