Oracle Essentials Oracle Database 11g
Oracle Essentials Oracle Database 11g - FOURTH EDITION
Author: Rick Greenwald, Robert Stackowiak, and Jonathan Stern
2008 O’Reilly Media
This book is divided into 15 chapters and 2 appendixes, as follows:
Chapter 1, Introducing Oracle, describes the range of Oracle products and features and provides a brief history of Oracle and relational databases.
Chapter 2, Oracle Architecture, describes the core concepts and structures (e.g., files, processes, and so on) that are the architectural basis of Oracle.
Chapter 3, Installing and Running Oracle, briefly describes how to install Oracle and how to configure, start up, and shut down the database and Oracle Net.
Chapter 4, Oracle Data Structures, summarizes the various datatypes supported by Oracle and introduces the Oracle objects (e.g., tables, views, indexes). This chapter also covers query optimization.
Chapter 5, Managing Oracle, provides an overview of managing an Oracle system, including the advisors available as part of Oracle Database 11g, using Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM), dealing with database fragmentation and reorganization using current database releases, information lifecycle management, and working with Oracle Support.
Chapter 6, Oracle Security, Auditing, and Compliance
Chapter 7, Oracle Performance
Chapter 8, Oracle Multiuser Concurrency
Chapter 9, Oracle and Transaction Processing
Chapter 10, Oracle Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence
Chapter 11, Oracle and HighAvailability
Chapter 12, Oracle and Hardware Architecture
Chapter 13, Oracle Distributed Databases and Distributed Data
Chapter 14, Oracle Extended Datatypes
Chapter 15, Beyond the Oracle Database
Appendix A, What’s New in This Book for Oracle Database 11g, lists the Oracle Database 11g changes described in this book.
Appendix B, Additional Resources, lists a variety of additional resources—both online and offline—so you can do more detailed reading
Oracle Essentials Oracle Database 11g ON RAPIDSHARE
Label: database, programming
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