Learning PHP and MySQL-A Step by Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Database Driven Websites

Learning PHP and MySQL, Second Edition
Author : Michele E. Davis and Jon A. Phillips
ISBN-13: 978-0-596-51401-3

This book is for people who want to know how to create dynamic web sites. That could include graphic designers who are already working in an IT or advertising firm creating static web sites, and who may need to move forward with coding databasedriven web sites. It might also include people who already know, say, Flash development and HTML markup, but need to expand their repertoire of skills to databases and programming.

This book starts out with an overview of how all of the pieces you’ll be working with fit together. Because there are multiple languages and technologies that interact to formdynam ic web pages, it’s best to start with a solid understanding of how the pieces work together. The PHP that you’ll learn works as an integration package for dynamic web sites.

Next, we’ll walk through installing the core software packages on your local computer. This book focuses on PHP and MySQL, but making this work also usually requires the Apache web server. The PHP interpreter works with the web server when processing dynamic content. Finally, you’ll install the MySQL database. Installation is covered for PC, Mac, and Linux systems. You can also use a hosted Internet service provider (ISP) account to develop your pages, if you don’t want to install everything locally.

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