Hacker Dictionary
Webster's New World - Hacker Dictionary
Author : Bernadette Schell and Clemens Martin
Publisher : Wiley Publishing, Inc.
ISBN-13: 978-0-470-04752-1
ISBN-10: 0-470-04752-6
This book attempts to take a novel approach to the presentation and understanding of a controversial topic in modern-day society: hacking versus cracking. The perception of this bi-modal activity is as controversial as the process itself—with many in society confusing the positive attributes of hackers with the criminal activities of crackers.This dictionary tries to balance the two sides of the equation: the White Hat or the positive side of hacking with the Black Hat or the negative side of cracking.
This dictionary is written for general readers, students who want to learn about hackers and crackers, and business leaders who want to become more knowledgeable about the IT security field to keep their enterprises financially stable and to be proactive against intrusive cyber-attackers. For those wanting to learn beyond our entries (which have been grouped into general terms, legal terms, legal cases, and person), we have provided further readings under each entry and at the end of the dictionary.The entries have been compiled by two experts in the field of information technology security and hacker profiling. Hundreds of entries have been included to provide explanations and descriptions of key information technology security concepts, organizations, case studies, laws, theories, and tools. These entries describe hacktivist, creative hacker, and criminal cracker activities associated with a wide range of cyber exploits.
Although we acknowledge that we cannot include every item of significance to the topics of hacking and cracking in a one-volume reference book on this intriguing topic, we have attempted to be as comprehensive as possible, given space limitations.Though we have focused on the past 35 years in particular, we note that the foundations of hacking and cracking existed at the commencement of computer innovations in the earlier parts of the previous century.
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Label: computer, hacking, networking, system
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