Windows Vista®: Home Networking

Author: Joli Ballew
Pub Date: October 17, 2007
Print ISBN-10: 0-7356-2500-X
Print ISBN-13: 978-0-7356-2500-6
Pages: 288

Book Description

This book details exactly what you need to know to set up a network and offers the information in an easy-to-understand format with lots of screen shots and step-by-step instructions. It was written specifically for Windows Vista by a Microsoft MVP and Windows Vista and networking expert and was published by Microsoft Press, so you know you're getting the best book possible for setting up and configuring your Windows Vista–based home network. With this book, you'll learn more than how to create any kind of network easily—you'll also learn how to incorporate Windows Vista–added benefits such as Windows Defender, Windows Security Center, the Network and Sharing Center, Windows Firewall, Remote Desktop, and more. It's everything you'll need to create your network and manage it successfully.

This book is divided into five parts

Part I, "Getting Started"
Part II, "Setting Up a Network"
Part III, "Managing the Network"
Part IV, "Expanding the Network"
Part V, "Appendix and Glossary"

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