Visual Basic 6 Black Book

Publisher: The Coriolis Group
Author(s): Steven Holzner
ISBN: 1576102831
Publication Date: 08/01/98

Welcome to your Visual Basic support package. That's hat this book has been
designed to be: your complete VB support package. Have we reached that goal yet? It
's up to you to decide. If what you're looking for is not in this edition, we'll work hard
to make sure it'sn the nextI encourage your suggestions. Please feel free to write.
We'll put in the time to make sure this book is the most complete one available on
Visual Basic, edition after edition. This is the book we want you to come back to
again and again.
This book has been designed to give you the coverage you just won't find in any other
book. Other books often omit not only the larger topics, like deploying your program
after you've created it and creating Help files, but also the smaller ones, like covering
in depth just about every control that comes with Visual Basic, including the ActiveX
controlsfrom the MS chart control to flat scroll bars, from the serial port comm
control to the Internet transfer control.
The task-based format we use in this book is the one most programmers appreciate
because programming is a task-based business. Rather than reading about subjects in
the order the author thinks best, you can go directly to your topic of interest and find
the bite-sized nugget of information you need, such as opening an FTP connection,
adding a Web browser to your program, supporting online user registration from
Visual Basic, adding a method to an ActiveX control, creating an error handler,
flipping or stretching an image, opening an RDO database connection, playing CDs
from the computers CD-ROM drive, and literally hundreds of other topics.


Visual Basic 6 Black Book

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