Word 2007 For Dummies®

Word 2007 For Dummies®
by : Dan Gookin
Published by : Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Are you nervous? Intimidated? Befuddled and confused beyond all recourse? What did they do to Word? Just when you thought you finally had a leg up on the program, just as you finally remembered that the Sort command is on the Tables menu, they’ve gone and changed everything! What a headache!
Welcome to Word 2007 For Dummies, which is a better solution to your word processing pains than taking two aspirin and calling tech support in the morning. This book is your friendly, informative, and entertaining guide to the newfangled way of processing words that is Word 2007. I’m not telling you that this book will make you all cozy and pleased with the new ways of Word. No, I’m merely promising that this book eases the pain everyone feels with Word 2007. Let other authors apologize for the program! I’m here to kick Word in the butt and, hopefully, you’ll enjoy watching that.
Download : Word 2007 For Dummies®
Label: windows
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