Programming Microcontrollers in C
Publisher : LLH Technology
Author : Ted Van Sickle
ISBN :1-878707-57-4
Year :2001
Format :PDF
Size : 6.7 MB
Chapters 1 and 2 contain a background on ANSI C. Data in these chapters is basic to all C programs. There is no specific coverage for microcontroller programming. Chapter 3 contains a brief background on icrocontrollers, and it also contains general programming guidelines that should be used when writing code for microcontrollers.
Chapter 4 is devoted to writing programs for the MC68HC05 family. In this chapter, the use of microcontroller specific header files is introduced. These header files are written for a specific part, and must be included in any program for the part.
In Chapter 5 you will find techniques for programming the MC68HC11 family of parts. Several of the peripherals on these parts are examined, and code to access these peripherals is written.
More complex microcontrollers are found in the MC68HC16 and the MC68300 families. Programming the MC68HC16 is discussed in Chapter 6. This part contains an internal bus with several peripherals placed on this
bus. Access to these peripherals is through memory mapped registers and how these peripherals are accessed will be found in Chapter 6.
There are several appendices. Appendix A contains several header files that are useful in programming MC68HC05 programs. Appendix B contains some code that demonstrates the power of the types defined by
structures, and how these types can be made into very convenient new types by the typedef keyword.
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Label: microcontroller, programming