PIC Microcontroller Project Book

PIC Microcontroller Project Book
A true Beginner's Guide to the popular PIC microcontroller
Includes 12 Project you can Build
Author: John Iovine

The PICBasic compiler used throughout this book allows eaSe of Using Basic language coupled with the speed of assembly language . Basic is a user-friendly language, it is easier to learn and master than either assembly or C language.

When the basic code is compiled to its assembly language equivalents, it is 20 to 100 times faster than standard Basic code , effectively countering the speed advantages C or assembly languages typically offer. The oompiled Basic code (assembly language equivalent) is programmed into the PIC microcontroller. As stated, this methodology increases the code execution 20 to 100 times faster than the equivalent interpreted Basic code t hat is used in other microcontroller systems like the Basic Stamp.

Starting at the Beginning
In tenns of programming, this book starts at the ground level. Beginning with installing the needed software onto your computer's hard drive and proceeding on from there. We begin with a simple project that blinks two LEDs on and off and build more interesting and sophisticated projects out from there.

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PIC Microcontroller Project Book

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