Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics - Third Edition

Publisher : McGraw-Hill
Author : Stan Gibilisco
ISBN :0-07-13730-1.
Year :2002
Format :PDF
Size : 7 MB

This book is for people who want to learn basic electricity, electronics, and communications concepts without taking a formal course. It can also serve as a classroom text. This third edition contains new material covering acoustics, audio, high-fidelity, robotics, and artificial intelligence.

This book is divided into four major sections: Direct Current, Alternating Current, Basic Electronics, and Advanced Electronics and Related Technology. At the end of each section is a multiple-choice test. Take these tests when you’re done with the respective sections and have taken all the chapter quizzes. Don’t look back at the text when taking these tests. A satisfactory score is 37 answers correct. Again, answers
are in the back of the book.

It is not necessary to have a mathematical or scientific background to use this do-it-yourself course. Junior-high-school algebra, geometry, and physical science will suffice. I’ve tried to gradually introduce standard symbols and notations so it will be evident what they mean as you go. By the time you get near the end of this book, assuming you’ve followed it all along, you should be familiar with most of the symbols used in schematic diagrams.

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