Basic Engineering Mathematics
Fourth Edition
John Bird, BSc(Hons), CMath, CEng, FIMA, MIEE, FIIE(Elec), FCollP
ISBN 0 7506 6575 0
Basic Engineering Mathematics, 4th Edition introduces and then consolidates basic mathematical principles and promotes awareness of mathematical concepts for students needing a broad base for further vocational studies. In this fourth edition, new material has been added on engineering notation, inequalities, graphs with logarithmic scales and adding waveforms, together with extra practical problems interspersed throughout the text. The text covers:
(i) the Applied Mathematics content of the GNVQ mandatory unit ‘Applied Science and Mathematics for Engineering’ at Intermediate level (i.e. GNVQ 2)
(ii) the mandatory ‘Mathematics for Engineering’ at Advanced level (i.e. GNVQ 3) in Engineering
(iii) the optional ‘Applied Mathematics for Engineering’ at Advanced level (i.e. GNVQ 3) in Engineering
(iv) the Mathematics content of ‘Applied Science and Mathematics for Technicians’ for Edexcel/BTEC First Certificate
(v) the mandatory ‘Mathematics for Technicians’ for National Certificate and National Diploma in Engineering
(vi) Mathematics 1 for City & Guilds Technician Certificate in Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering
(vii) basic mathematics for a wide range of introductory access foundation mathematics courses
(viii) GCSE revision, and for similar mathematics courses in English-speaking countries world-wide.
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Basic Engineering Mathematics
Label: engineering
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