C for Dummies

Publisher : Wiley
Author : Dan Gookin
ISBN :0-7645-7068-4
Year :2004
Format :PDF
Size : 7.9 MB

Most programming books start out by assuming that you don’t know anything. The author may remember that for, oh, maybe two or three chapters. Then, after that initial pressure is off, there he goes! Chapter 4 is written not to teach you how to program, but, rather, to impress the author’s programming buddies back at college. So your learning journey ends with a whimper. You will not find that problem in this book. The best way to learn something is one piece at a time. With programming, Iprefer to show you things by using small programs, tiny models, and quickto-type examples. That way, you’re not overwhelmed with an initial program that’s three pages long, and you don’t get lost after a few chapters. That’s because the pace stays the same throughout the book. I insist on it!
This book also gets you started right away. When researching other books, Inoticed that often the first program you have to type is not only several dozen lines long, but also nearly 50 pages into the book on average! In this book, you get started right away with a program example on Page 13. That quick!


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